Friday, May 31, 2019
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Bat Jaws
#adamwest #batman #jaws #sharkrepellant
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Monday, May 20, 2019
Sunday, May 19, 2019
But there will be ROLLERBALL as corporations duke it out.
#rollerball #jamescaan
Sunday Morning Comics 🌞 STAR WARS
In the Marvel Comics Adaptation of STAR WARS IV: A NEW HOPE (which at the time of release was simply known as STAR WARS. The IV A NEW HOPE moniker was assigned later.)
Marvel Comics was given an early script and as a result they included the scene with Han Solo meeting Jabba The Hutt after killing Greedo.
He hadn't yet been changed into his slug appearance as written in RETURN OF THE JEDI.
Instead, we see Jabba The Hutt depicted as a bipedal standard alien.
In the film's scene which was cut out (but later revived for the Special Edition) we see Jabba as a corpulent humanoid. (The slug Jabba was superimposed over the original actor.)
#starwars #jabbathehutt #marvelcomics #hansolo
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Don't Stop Believing
Knock-Off Toy Chest: Alien-Man Because you gotta dare to dream, and never stop believing! |
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Forbidden Planet (1956) Monster from the ID
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Monday, May 13, 2019
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Sunday Comics: Battlestar Galactica #3 Marvel Comics
Capricorn One fueled the moon landing hoax conspiracies
Ignorance seems to abound in these times of humankind's expanse of knowledge.
We still have flat earthers even though it's been proven that the Earth is indeed spherical in shape.
People still seem to judge others based on skin pigmentation and other silly, nonsensical things.
People still believe that burning candles is going to alter reality to their liking and they adhere themselves to a time when humankind was less advanced by believing in things from what is now the dark ages (dark meaning ignorance.) They believe in these silly things regardless of the mountains of evidence to the contrary given to us by science and a growing understanding of how things work.
People still believe that politics and that politicians really matter, and that these individuals are going to improve the livelihood of millions of fellow men, women and children in spite of the mountains of evidence throughout history to the contrary. So they get themselves all worked up over nothing. It's largely due to media manipulation and brainwashing which keeps people distracted with things that don't truly affect their lives much on fundamental levels.
People choose to believe in all sorts of skewed and outlandish ideas, in spite of hard evidence and ingenuity to the contrary. That's what brings us to CAPRICORN ONE, a 1977 film starring a young O.J. Simpson.
This film could possibly be one of the most underrated films to come out of the 1970's. Not because of acting or due to any particularly great storytelling ability, but instead due to the underrated enormity in which this film about a faked mission to Mars has fueled the Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories for decades.
The film was shown on TV and many have mistaken the film for what they remember about Apollo 11 and the subsequent missions to the Moon which followed.
My uncle was an aeronautics engineer on all of the Apollo Missions and I can assure you that we did in fact go to the moon on multiple occasions. However, there's still going to be people who will believe otherwise even with the facts right before them.
This is a perfect example of how film, a little ignorance and an imperfect recollection within the human brain can confuse and reassociate memories to have an entirely different meaning.
Capricorn One, it's a decent film, but not especially note worthy, aside from the influence it has had in confusing people about the reality of the Apollo missions and O.J. Simpson dawning his astronaut gloves in an unintentional influence of conspiracy theories.
#moonlanding #apollo11 #moonhoax #flatearthers #conspiracytheories #moonhoax #ojsimpson #capricornone
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Friday, May 10, 2019
Jabba The Hutt Backyard Variety
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Monday, May 6, 2019
Gordon Ramsey's Dune Kitchen
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Friday, May 3, 2019
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Grimaldi: the keeper of Space Monsters
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Wicker Man Viewmaster
Splatterpunk's Finest: Greg Goodsell's Interview
A Conversation with Greg Goodsell: Splat Pack Pioneer and Space Monsters Magazine Columnist ...

From the editor: Space Monsters Magazine is excited to announce an open call for submissions for our inaugural ashcan edition! This specia...
Special Announcement Hey, cyberbeatniks! It's your girl Jeannie, and I've got some far-out news to share with you all! 🚀 As you kn...
Submissions for the next issue of Space Monsters Magazine are due in by February 15, 2025. We will accept unsolicited articles from authors...