Submissions for the next issue of Space Monsters Magazine are due in by February 15, 2025.
We will accept unsolicited articles from authors that are completely human created, and without the use of AI.
Deadline is 11:59pm on 2/15/2025.
Magazine will be printed, and distributed in both print, and digital formats, and available from FantaCo Publications.
The next issue will contain an exclusive 8 page comic strip by Simon Pritchard alongside:
Interview with Bill Blair - Jason Brazeal
Katz Claws: Scream Queens Unleashed - Sadie Katz
Cinema Macabre - Dennis Daniel
Sketchy Thoughts - Frank Dietz
I Like What I Like - Don Farmer
Ask Don Glut Anything - Don Glut
Genre Obscura - Gregg Goodsell
Look for it to be released in May/June 2025!
To stay up to date be sure to follow us on Facebook:
And our Facebook Group is a great place for all fans of horror, and sci-fi:
And as always, be sure to check out FantaCo for other exciting releases:
#SpaceMonstersMagazine #Horror #SciFi #Cyberbeatniks #BillBlair #GuinnessWorldRecord #SpecialEffects #Makeup #TVShows #Movies #Columnists #GregGoodsell #DennisDaniel #DonFarmer #FrankDietz #SimonPritchard #ComicBookArt #NewRelease #February2025 #SubmitYourWork