Sunday, July 14, 2019


From the editor:


So I've been toying around with ideas of the direction to take our new magazine and I've decided that logistically to make SPACE MONSTERS a success the following should be implemented:

SPACE MONSTERS will be a quarterly digital magazine. It will only be available in digital format for a very competitive subscription rate. 

HOWEVER, at the end of each year it will be collected into an annual, limited edition print magazine. 

This annual edition will include all of the digital issues from the previous year in print format, along with exclusive extras only available in the annual print edition. 

This print edition will only be available for a short time and will not be available in digital format. 

This way we can keep printing costs down and appease both the digital and print aspects of the magazine. 

The team is coming together nicely and we have several other new developments. So stay tuned and I'm hoping to get us underway with our first issue of the reboot/Gladman tribute in January if all things keep on target. 

I'll be changing the submission information on the website to reflect this in the near future. 

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