Thursday, August 1, 2024

Random Kaiju Attack! (the group)

For a long time now, I've been running a Facebook group 'Random Kaiju Attack' which is simply a feed of neverending posts featuring Japanese monsters of all types, from tokusatsu TV and movies. 

Expect kaiju, kaijin, yokai, and other strange beasts from the toku world!
On average, about one new one a day!
I always include the creature's name and the series or movie where it appeared, so those diligent scholars out there can follow up and find more info!

The world of Japanese monsters is an incredible expression of endless imagination and creativity, stemming from a culture filled with the fascination of fantastical creatures. Join the group and enjoy!

Splatterpunk's Finest: Greg Goodsell's Interview

A Conversation with Greg Goodsell:                                                 Splat Pack Pioneer and Space Monsters Magazine Columnist ...