Sunday, September 1, 2024

Grimaldi's Galactic Guide to Westworld's Cinematographic Sorcery

Incoming Transmission....Commlink Established...

 Greetings Earthies! 

This is your host Grimaldi crawling out of the hypersleep crypt to bring you the latest hype on those skinjobs and electric dreams over in Westworld. 

Seems those fleshbags behind the scenes have been getting creative with their image capturing tech. John Grillo, the main optic nerve technician for the original film, spilled some gamma irradiated beans on how they constructed those digitized vistas. 

A few bloody highlights:

 - Muted colors like a zombie's face to highlight the decay and neglect. Pretty post-apocalyptic if you ask this corpse! 

 - Mixing static shots with creeping dollies and shakycam to amp up the tension. Keeps you on the edge of your seat like a facehugger ready to latch on! 

 - Lighting tricks aplenty to add some depth and mess with your mind. High/low key and mixing it up - pure mad scientist stuff! 

 - Compositions with more negative space than a vacuum. Makes you feel alone as a crew member on an abandoned starship! They also cooked up some fancy effects: 

 - Freaky LED lighting hacks - reanimator chamber chic! - Motion control for those creepy android closeups. They look almost as dead as me! - Seamless blending of practical and CGI. 

I might start decaying if I wasn't already! 

 So put on your space suits and set phasers to stun, because Westworld is bringing the intergalactic visuals! Beam on over to the source below for more behind-the-scenes shrieks and shivers! Read more here: ...End Transmission #scifi #horror #westworld #cinematography

#Westworld #Cinematography #SpaceMonsters #Film #TV #CinematicMasterpiece #JohnGrillo #ASC #GrimaldiApproved

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 Incoming Transmission....Commlink Established... Greetings, Earthies! It's your favorite reanimated corpse, Grimaldi, here to bring yo...