Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Jason Brazeal Debunks the Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot Film without the background noise and with new details


New version of Jason Brazeal Debunks The Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot Film withhout the background noise which was present in the prior release, as well as further details. The Patterson Gimlin Bigfoot Film is debunked by the film itself. 

The purpose of this film isn't to convince anyone that the film is hoax. It is merely to point out that the film IS a hoax and to demonstrate the myriad of ways in which the film itself proves what it is, a hoax. 

I created this version for film students, practical makeup FX practitioners and other professionals in the film industry to demonstrate the techniques used in identifying the subjects in suit deployments and practical makeup FX practices ranging from the early 1950's and spanning into the late 1990's and beyond. 

These fundamental techniques can be used by film students, and makeup professionals alike, along with other interested parties, in the identification  of makeup and suit techniques that have been used and how a simple and shoddily created piece of footage, such as this; and a suit of this low caliber can easily fool an uneducated populace. This demonstrates that even with such low grade materials, and work, any individual can easily fool others. Take this knowledge and use it in your professional FX artist, and filmmaking arsenal to better your skills, and to easily recognize the creation of even highly controversial illusions such as this. 

For more information, or to contact Jason for class demonstrations, or to provide lectures on the subject, feel free to reach out to him directly via:

info@babel-fish.ai or you can visit him online: www.spacemonsters.art or www.babel-fish.ai 

#pgfilm #pattersongimlinbigfootfilm #bigfoothoax #bigfootsighting #sasquatch #sasquatchsighting #filmschool #howtospotacostume #practicalmakeupmethods #practicalmakeupsuits #gorillasuit 


Splatterpunk's Finest: Greg Goodsell's Interview

A Conversation with Greg Goodsell:                                                 Splat Pack Pioneer and Space Monsters Magazine Columnist ...